Practical Concealed Carry

Do you have your Concealed Carry Permit? Great, now take your training to the next level with Charlie Foxtrot Firearms’ Practical Concealed Carry. Go beyond the static range, shooting paper targets, and immerse yourself in practical scenarios with live role players that you may encounter in real life. In this training you will experience shoot and no shoot situations that test your knowledge of deadly force law, use of cover, and help identify weaknesses in your concealed carry lifestyle.

This course will be physically tasking requiring you to run short distances. Please consider this before registering for this course. Force on force will be done in this training.

What you should bring: Appropriate clothing (thicker long-sleeve shirts or sweatshirt and long trousers). Student’s clothing will be struck by simulated munitions marker rounds so please wear articles you don’t mind having marked up. You will need a good pair of tactical gloves that will both protect your hands and allow you to operate a pistol effectively. All other PPE and Training Guns will be provided.

Firearm Training
Firearm Training

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