Concealed Carry Renewal

Have you received a notice that your Concealed Pistol License is expiring soon? While Michigan law does not demand you provide proof of the required continuing education why not get the training from experts who will also proof written documentation of the training.

Our Concealed Carry Renewal course covers the following topics required by Michigan Revised Statue 28.425j.

  • Safe use, storage and handling of a pistol
  • Ammunition knowledge
  • Fundamentals of pistol shooting
  • Pistol shooting positions
  • Firearms laws, including civil liability and criminal issues arising from the use of deadly force
  • Avoiding criminal act and controlling a violent confrontation
  • 1 hour of live fire training including qualification of shooting skills

Do not leave any doubt about the legitimacy of your Conceal Pistol License. Come training with us an learn from experts in the field where you will learn and remember skills involving concealed carry you may have forgotten.


Firearm Training

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